Monday, October 6, 2008

My Son Samoa & Me Getting Ready for Halloween

My son asked me what do you like about the earth
I told him I like the sunrise and the cold raindrops
I like the rough smooth rocks
He said I like the sunshine in my eyes

to see everything and the beautiful trees
I say I like grass and the smell of burning incense
flowing in my nostrils

I like the feeling of smushed earth dirt
between my brown bear colorful painted toes
He said I like the feeling of the floor under my feet


  1. Wow, you've got a very handsome son and that poem is just beautiful.

    You said you have one blog but I found two!

  2. Cute boy..! Looking good in his Halloween costume.

  3. He's such a lovely child. A true dad's treasure. Thanks for sharing this with me.


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